Spectral Mapping for Brain Connectivity v1.0

These files implement the algorithms presented in the paper:

Becker, C.O., Pequito, S., Pappas, G.J., Miller, M.B., Grafton, S.T., Bassett, D.S. and Preciado, V.M. (2017) Spectral Mapping of Brain Functional Connectivity from Diffusion Imaging. To appear; arXiv:1512.02602.

The code is written in Matlab, tested in Release 2016b.



The files individual_demo.m and group_demo.m (see note below) illustrate the use of the algorithms to generate spectral mappings from structural to functional brain connectivity data. They are available in the demo folder.

External dependencies

The group spectral mapping algorithm uses an external optimization solver, Manopt 3.0. Please download it from manopt.org and add it to the ext folder. Then, uncompress it and add all subdirectories to your Matlab path.


We will appreciate if you send your suggestions for improvements to brainopt@gmail.com.